Wednesday, December 26, 2012



beautifully shot and narrated. spend those 3mins if you are into tattoos. great video.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012





lydia from send us an email today worrying about her electricity bill.
help her out and buy some of her very nice clothes form melbourne, australia and say hi from us.




today we want to introduce to you another great book about the stuff that makes us tick.
another book: this time by zeixs and not yet released. from what
 we can tell by now this book approaches the tattoo culture a little 
different from the one that has been released by gestalten verlag

still a must have we guess.

you can preorder the book here:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Red Box in real life

Hey guys, it's me again, but don't worry, i'm not here to blog about booking or tattoos or boring crap like that so soon.
No, i have more exciting news... or maybe not news if you already follow the blog of one Mr. Electric Pick, but in case you don't (seriously though, why don't you?), here's the exciting news:
Nick's already famous web comic Red Box has been made into an actual book!
You know, the kind you can sit and read with a nice cup of tea, or give to people for Christmas.
Yeah, that kind!

The book is 240 pages of hard cover goodness, with an extra 35-ish pages of extra arty awesomeness by Jesse Smith, Ben Newman, Davee Blows, Edek, Tom Haubrick, Uncle Allan and Honkey Kong.
You can get all that for 465 Hong Kong dollars, which converts roughly into 60 us dollars, 47 euro, and 38 uk pounds, and you can order via
Go to the Electric Plog to read more and see a preview of this beauty!





Sunday, November 18, 2012

Booking info, and hellooo cold and wet Copenhagen!

Hi there, we're back from Japan!
Sorry for not posting much while we were over there, but we rarely had internet access, so i figured i might as well wait. But if you wanna see what we've been up to, check out my blog and Allan's photo blog, they have a few stories.
Allan did some awesome tattoos at Inkrat, most of which you can see on his instagram, and we both got our tattoos finished by Shige, which of course was awesome, but also a little sad, cause we've been enjoying going to Yellow Blaze to get tattooed for quite a few years now.
Who knows, maybe we'll get tattooed there again in the future? I hope so!
We also had some rad sightseeing days, and got to hang out with a bunch of our favorite people, so we pretty much had the best trip ever, like we always do.
We miss you Japan!!! (Sorry about that little outburst, but it's very cold and gray here in Cph already!)

We only got back Friday night, but we're already busy packing.
Moving to Berlin in a few weeks, remember?
Yeah, kind of a lot to do before that!
So far we're working on the living room at home... damn, we got a lot of stuff, but i'm sure anyone who've seen our shop is completely unsurprised by that, am i right?

So, about Berlin...
As i mentioned in an earlier post, we're gonna be booking a few clients in mid-December, just so Allan doesn't forget how to tattoo while we build our new shop!
So if you wanna get tattooed sometime between the 10th and 20th of December IN BERLIN (sorry for cap'ing out there, but i don't wanna risk getting email about booking in Copenhagen!), send me an email ( and i'll see what i can do.
People on the waiting list, and clients with pieces already in progress, are first served of course, and we'd prefer large one-shots that can be finished in 4-7 hours.
We will not be in Berlin at all between Christmas and New Years, so again, this is only for mid-December.

As of January, we'll be back to booking from the waiting list, so if you're already on there, get ready to receive an email about an early 2013 appointment.
And for those who want to be on the waiting list, i have just decided that it will open in January.
There, done, decided, start thinking of clever ideas!

Ok, i think that's it for now.
I will update the faq soon with our new address and directions and all that, so you won't get lost trying to find us in an actual big city!
But seriously, we won't be harder to find than we are now, so you're good.

One session chestpiece on Soyoon who's obviously one tough cookie

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween, a follow up post

Oh hi there!
Sorry i haven't gotten around to posting about Halloween until now, but i haven't had much time.
The day after Halloween we had to clean the shop, and pack for Japan, and the day after that, well, we were off to Japan.
And when we got here, and got settled into our old apartment, we realized that this particular apartment doesn't have wifi, and the ancient router won't communicate with Allan's macbook cause it's "too new". Seriously, that's what the company told us... it's not their product that's too old, no, no, ours is too new, obviously!
Oh, Japan, not nearly as technologically advanced as the world wants you to be...
Anyway, today i brought the computer to work, so i could finally post some silly photos and maybe Skype with my dog later!

So, Halloween!
It didn't seem nearly as packed as last year, but we had some good people drop by and the guys did some fun tattoos, so it turned out pretty awesome anyway, and we're definitely still planning on sticking to the tradition, so a Berlin edition will happen next year for sure.
We had some people in pretty amazing costumes show up and even though not all of them ended up getting tattooed, we very much appreciated them taking the time to come have fun with us. Yeah, that goes for the people without costumes too!
Our friend Sussi who baked us an amazing Halloween cake was especially awesome, and she had at least dressed up her kid, and that totally counts!
Davee aka Giant Cockroach had a pretty bad cold, so unfortunately he had to crawl on back to his hotel early, but the rest of us hung in there and stayed until around 2 am i think.

Sorry if i'm not making much sense, but i have a cold, so my brain is at, like, 70%... max.
Anyay, super fun day and i gotta say, being dressed as animals? Best idea ever!
That bear costume is so comfortable, i totally wanted to wear it the next day too... why can't i be a bear every day?

Hmmm, that yellow looked better in the photo app... sorry about that...
 (1. Grrr, dangerous grizzly outside the shop! 2. Allan the crocodile 3. Davee the black metal roach 4. David and Henriette as Big Bad Wolf and little lamb)

foto+5(1. Spider cake 2. Tattooing in costume all day! 3. Little Nemi got a tattoo that matched her mom's 4. Our air band works even better when we're in costume!)

Allan's pumpkin carving skills has somehow improved since last year!?

A few of the tattoos of the day:

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Dino Baby

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Dino Baby

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Dino Baby's first tattoo on his wife ever, if you can believe that!

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Ok, that's it for now, hopefully i'll be able to do a bit of Japan blogging before we leave, cause i doubt there'll be much time for blogging once we're back in Denmark.
Yeah, in case you forgot, we're still moving to Berlin, so the last two weeks of November will be all about packing, packing and some more packing, so if you want to see us before we leave, you can find us either at the shop or at home, putting shit in boxes!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Just a reminder

Tomorrow at 2 pm... be there or be... like, a super lame person or something!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Resistance is futile!

Hey all, we're back from the most amazing convention weekend ever.
Don't worry, you didn't miss Allan at any tattoo convention, cause i'm talking about the friggin Star Trek convention we just attended in good old London town!
Oh, come on, it's not like you didn't already know we were huge nerds, right?

So yeah, we're back, completely broke, but so happy, and a few priceless autographs and moments richer!
Oh, and Sarah got to show Kate Mulgrew her Captain Janeway tattoo that Allan did on her this summer.
Through tights, but still, she did see it, and from what we heard, she was very impressed!

More Trek stories over on my blog when i've transferred pictures and maybe slept a little more... yeah, we went pretty much straight from airport to work this morning... poor Allan!

Sarah, me and Allan with unnamed Borg!

The Janeway and the Mulgrew

No, sadly Allan wasn't in costume, so me and Sarah had to Trek out extra hard!
 (Pictures from Sarah's instagram, she's @eraserbits there if you wanna see more!)

That's it for the geek talk, but i have some Danish info too, so i'll just switch on the universal translator for the next part!
Haha, get it, universal translator? No? Don't get up, i'll show myself out...

Attention København! Davee har stadig tider i denne uge, og vil også tage walk-ins, så hvis du står med en god ide, eller bare en spontan trang til at blive tatoveret (og hvem gør ikke det?!) kan du komme forbi Schleppegrellsgade 7 fra i morgen fra kl. 13 og tage en snak med ham.
Der kan forekomme lidt ventetid når det er på walk-in basis, men stadig, dette er ugens tilbud, så spred ordet og kom forbi!

Bare rolig, det behøver ikke nødvendigvis være hoved tatoveringer!

Things are really moving forward with our Berlin plans, and i can finally say that the contract is signed and the house is indeed ours.
Very exciting!
I am working on getting a bunch of practical stuff done before we leave for Japan in less than a week (Allan has a few appointments available between the 31st and the 14th of November, so contact Inkrat if you wanna get tattooed, the email is, so if you've sent me a non-urgent email, i may not be able to reply right away.
The same goes for buying flash or prints; i try to make time to go to the post office as soon after an order has been placed as i can, but that's not always possible, so if you're not prepared to let it take the time it's gonna take, don't place an order right now.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of emails, there's no need to write me about the waiting list.
It's still closed, but when it opens, i promise i won't try to keep it a secret, so just check back here every once in a while and you won't miss a thing!

I'll be back with more updates and tattoo photos soon!
Oh, and don't forget our Halloween flash day on Saturday, ok?
Fun times!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's Halloween time y'all!


Ok, i think we're done with the big life changing announcements for the time being, but that doesn't mean we don't have news to share!
After all the fun we had at last years Halloween walk-in day, we just couldn't not do it again this year, so insanely busy or not, it's happening!
So on the 27th, just two friggin days before we have to leave for Japan, we will have our second Halloween walk-in day, and the last ever at this location!

Tattooers at the event will be Uncle Allan, Dino Baby and Davee Blows, who will all make some super scary flash for you to choose from.
There will be fixed prices but, just like last year, it'll be cheaper if you're in costume, so dress up, ok?

We'll start at 2 pm and keep going until we're too tired or have to go home and pack!
There will be refreshments and maybe some snacks too?
Ok, definitely snacks.

Hope to see y'all there!!


Jeg er sikker på at alle fik nogenlunde fat på hvad posten her handler om, men her er den alligevel på dansk.
På næste lørdag, den 27. Oktober kl 14 holder vi Halloween i butikken!
Det bliver samme deal some sidste år med spooky flash at vælge fra, og i år bliver det Allan, Dino Baby og Davee der står for tatoveringerne.

Se den engelske tekst for links til sidste års event og tatovørenes arbejde.
Husk at kom udklædt, ellers kommer du bare til at føle dig helt malplaceret!
Vi giver noget og drikke, og lidt kage eller snacks, så kom og hyg, det er måske sidste chance!

Ps. Davee har stadig ledige tider i næste uge, så skriv til mig på for at booke en tid!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Og så flyttede de igen

(scroll down to the previous post for all of this in English) 

Som i måske kunne se på den forrige post har vi nogle nyheder, og jeg synes det er så stort at det kræver to posts, en dansk og en engelsk. Selvom en tysk måske også havde været på sin plads, da nyheden jo er at vi, Allan og Amalie og vores ikke så lille butik, flytter til Berlin!

Nogle af vores kunder har vidst det et stykke tid, og til dem der først hører om det nu beklager jeg, men vi har ikke følt at vi kunne gøre det helt officielt før vi havde fået alle detaljerne på plads, og det gjorde vi så først i går. Eller, de vigtigste af dem i hvert fald, som et sted at bo og et sted at arbejde.
Det er en process der startede for flere måneder siden, og det er til tider gået rigtig  langsomt, lige indtil det pludselig gik meget hurtigt, og nu ser det ud som om at vi allerede flytter i december. I starten endda!
Det giver selvfølgelig ikke Allan lang tid til at gøre igangværende projekter færdige, især ikke da vi kommer til at tilbringe halvdelen af November i Japan, så hvis du har en tatovering som du gerne vil have lavet færdig inden Allan flytter skal du sende mig en email på lige med det samme, så jeg kan få booket dig ind.

Vi prøver at reservere det sidste stykke tid i Danmark til at færdiggøre ting, og hvis der skulle være tid til overs vil vi booke faste kunder der gerne vil have lavet nye projekter (en sessions projekter, med mindre de er villige til at komme til Berlin og gøre dem færdige).

Grunden til vi flytter er ikke at vi hader hverken København eller vores butik, tværtimod, vi ELSKER vores butik (og vores danske kunder, selvfølgelig!), men da butikken efterhånden noget af det eneste der holder os her, har vi besluttet os for at tage chancen og prøve at skabe et endnu bedre hjem et nyt sted, og af en eller anden grund blev det altså til Berlin!
Og heldigvis for vores herboende kunder er Berlin jo ikke langt fra København, så vi håber da at en masse vil komme ned og besøge os!

Ok, det var så de store nyheder! Jeg kommer til at skrive meget mere om alt det her senere, men her er lige et par vigtige highlights:

-Ventelisten eksisterer stadig. Hvis du ikke har lyst til at komme til Berlin og blive tatoveret kan du sende den en mail med emnet "slet mig" og du bliver fjernet. Hvis du gerne vil komme til Berlin, og blive på listen, behøver du ikke at foretage dig noget.
-Alle nye tider booket fra ventelisten bliver i Berlin. Allan vil selvfølgelig komme til København ind imellem, men det er ikke sikkert der er tid til guestspots i det første lange stykke tid.
-Vores venner Matthew Gordon og Wendy Pham der arbejdede i butikken i August flytter med os! Eller, det vil sige at de flytter til Berlin i Marts for at arbejde med os, så der vil også være mulighed for at blive tatoveret af dem til næste år. Nick kommer selvfølgelig også til næste år (se på hans blog hvornår), og vi håber også på at kunne finde andre gode gæstetatovører til længere guestspots næste år.
-Det lader til at David, som jo desværre ikke flytter med, kan overtage vores elskede butik på Schleppegrellsgade, og det glæder vi os alle sammen meget over! Han har gode ideer og vil passe godt på stedet, og vi glæder os til at se hvad han finder på. Følg med på hans blog, jeg er sikker på at han nok også skal poste om det snart!
-Så snart vi ved mere om flytte datoer og den slags, vil jeg booke nogle enkelte kunder til december, og da det bliver med ret kort varsel kan jeg nok ikke nå at bruge ventelisten. Så hvis du har en ide til en stor one shot tatovering du gerne vil have lavet i Berlin i december, skal du skrive til os så snart du ser en post om det her eller på twitter. Så altså ikke endnu, først når vi ved med sikkerhed hvornår vores nye sted er til at arbejde i!

Ok, det var det for nu!
I er selvfølgelig velkommen til at skrive til os hvis i har nogle spørgsmål, enten på mail eller i kommentar feltet.

Et lille sneak peek...

The Berlin conspiracy

This is gonna come as a shock to some people, and others already know, but here it is, the official post telling you that Conspiracy Inc. is moving to Berlin!
Yes, myself, Allan, Lucifer and the shop (minus one Dino Baby) are moving ourselves, and all the crap we've hoarded though the years, to Berlin as early as December.

We had obviously hoped to be able to give our clients longer notice than that, but things went from going reeeally slow, to happening all at once, and now we are very close to being the owners (well, renters, technically) of a lovely space in Berlin were we will rebuild our little empire.
We couldn't go really for reals public with the news until we were certain that this was actually happening, and we literally just got confirmation yesterday, so yeah.. surprise!

If you're wondering why we're moving, we're not quite sure, it's just something we've wanted to try for a long time... and so we just decided to do it, and the dart we were throwing at a world map landed on Berlin, and so that's were we're going.
And if you're wondering if we're just a little bummed about leaving our beloved studio in Schleppegrellsgade, the answer is "hell yes!", but since that place was just about the only thing keeping us here, we decided it was worth it.

I'll be posting a lot more info later on; like the address and directions and important stuff like that, but for now, y'all just need to know that we are leaving Copenhagen and soon!
But there are of course a few other things i think you should know now and here they are, the ones i can think of right now anyway:

-First of all, the waiting list still exists.
If you're on the list and for any reason us leaving Copenhagen is a dealbreaker for you, just email the list with "delete me" in the subject and we'll take you right off. I'll be sending out an email to the people on the waiting list too informing them of the move.
The waiting list will open again soon, and it will only be for appointments in Berlin, not Copenhagen.
-Uncle Allan will come to Denmark once in a while, and maybe even tattoo a bit while he's here, but if you're in Denmark and have a piece in progress that you'd like finished before we leave, email me asap!
We're gonna be in Japan most of November, so there are very few appointments left before the move!
This would probably also be a good time to mention that airfare from Copenhagen to Berlin is ridiculously cheap, and the flight only takes 40 minutes. Just sayin'...
- Our friends and guest artists, Matthew Gordon and Wendy Pham, have decided to join us in Berlin and will be working with us from March 2013 and for as long as they are able to and feel like! We are so excited to work and hang out with these guys again, and i'll let you know when they start booking for Berlin.
We will also be open for other longer guestspots, think from a few weeks to a few months, but since we're still gonna be a private studio (possibly even more hidden away than we are now!), we're mainly looking for artists with a lot of experience, who've already made a name for themselves internationally. And preferably even someone we've met before! I hope it doesn't come off as too snobbish, but we wanna be as sure as we can be, that the artists who come work with us actually have something to do!
-Nick (Electric Pick) will be joining us in February or March for a guestspot and as always you can check his blog for travel updates.
-There is a very real possibility that David will take over at our current location, and since we can't take him with us, we're hoping he can make himself a wonderful new home in our old shop. So that's exciting too and eventually you'll be able to read about his plans on his blog!
-As soon as we know when we move exactly, like the date, and more importantly when we'll be able to have the studio up and running, i'll be taking appointments for December for anyone who's able to step in on short notice.
People who are on the waiting lists will get in first and we are primarily looking for people who want large one shots.
The only reason i will not be booking from the waiting list is because this will be short notice, and for some reason it simply takes too long for people to get back to me via the list. And we'll need to pay for paint and expensive German plumbers somehow!*
So if you wanna get tattooed in December, keep an eye on the blog and our twitter (@conspiracyinc) and email me as soon as i say go. So, not now. Later!

Sneak peek...

Ok, more info soon, we are so excited about this and can't wait to welcome our friends and clients to a hopefully even more epic Conspiracy Inc. in the near future!

Oh, and a special thanks to our friends in Berlin and Hamburg for all your help, and to all of our friends and family in Denmark and around the world for all of your encouragement and support!
And uhm... please come help us paint, ok?

*Speaking of German plumbers, if you are one, and you have time to do some work for us in December, send me an email. Not even kidding!

Monday, October 8, 2012

October guest artist news!!

For those of you hoping we'd have some news on the guest artist front, you're in luck!
Davee Blows, who was here briefly in August during Allan's black metal art show, is coming back for a real guest spot.
He'll be doing fun stuff, in the style you see in the pictures below, and he'll be here from the 24th till the 28th of October.
For booking, contact me ( and i'll sort out the details with you!

Så er der gæste nyt!
Davee Blows komme forbi shoppen fra den 24. til den 28. Oktober og du skulle da tage og blive tatoveret af ham.
Du kan email butikken ( for at høre nærmere og booke tider.
Husk, kun sjove ting i den stil du ser på billederne her!















I seriously have a lot of news, like big news that some of you may have already heard through that infamous grapevine, but they deserve their own post, and for practical reasons, i can't write that post until Saturday.
How annoyingly cryptic, i know, but soon!
Until then, why not book an appointment with Davee to kill the time?
Yes, that is a fine plan indeed!