Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year from Berlin

Hi guys!
Sorry it's been so friggin long with no life signs, i swear that wasn't supposed to happen!
But we have been super, insanely busy, first with packing up our entire lives in 12 days, then getting down here, and finally building our new shop and home in Berlin.
It's pretty much taken up all of our time.
Not to mention, we still don't have internet at the shop. Yeah, stuff like that can take a while here, but it's all happening, so we're not worried.

Sooo, what else have we been up to...
Mainly painting, decorating, unpacking, cleaning and going to Bauhaus. A lot.
We haven't had a lot of time to explore the city, but what we've seen, we love.
The shop is coming along nicely, but seeing how we're just two people, it's taking some time.
We also had some plumbing work done in what will eventually be the two main work rooms, so that was a bit of a setback, but we're slowly catching up.

We also went back to Denmark for Christmas, and Allan did a little guest spot at our own shop.
You'd think we'd feel more weird about that, but it's actually all good, and we can't wait to see what that crazy Dino Baby comes up with!
And we're just really happy to see our beloved shop in good hands, with someone who already knows and appreciates it. It's gonna be awesome.
I'm not gonna reveal the name he's picked for his shop just yet, cause i'm sure he'd like to do that himself, but he probably will soon!*

Ok, practical stuff.
-I'm gonna add some hotel info to the faq soon, but until then, just use
We're in Schöneberg, so try to find something in that area if you don't wanna be too far from the shop.

-The shop is gonna be even more of a private studio than we'd originally anticipated, so you must send us an email to book a consultation, even if it's just to check out the place, which you're of course welcome to do.
Email only, as we still don't have a phone!

-The waiting list is gonna open in a few days, i just need a chance to get in there and do some New Years cleaning first.
But expect the usual "how to sign up" post in a few days!

-Uhm.. that's it? Maybe?
I'll update you in a few days, until then, please follow us on instagram (@unclea and @floraamalie) if you wanna see what we're up to at the shop and Berlin in general.

 On our last night in Copenhagen, David finally got tattooed by Allan... what a perfect way to end our trip

Yes, very evil stuff, obviously

I also just wanna say thanks, real quick, to everyone who got tattooed by Allan in 2012, especially those few brave souls who are following us to Berlin and will continue to get tattooed even though we moved.
You all rock and we're lucky to know you.
And to all the Germans who've expressed interest in getting tattooed now that we're closer to them; thanks, we look forward to meeting you all!
And a super special thanks to those who have already gotten tattooed at the new shop; you've had to deal with some seriously messy conditions, and you still never complained. Thank you!

*Apparently some people have been wondering why the name Conspiracy Inc. didn't stay with David in Copenhagen, so let me just clarify: this never even came up.
First of all, David doesn't want our smelly old name for his very first studio, and contrary to what some may think, it's not like he paid a huge chunk of money for the rights to our name and address. He simply took over our lease, simple as that.
Second, the name Conspiracy Inc. was never tied down to any address, after all we took it with us from Nansensgade to Schleppegrellsgade, and that was way before we even worked with David.
So to sum it up; Conspiracy Inc. is me, Allan and Lucifer and whoever works with us, and although i'd sometimes like to change the name (cause it's smelly and old) changing our blog and email addresses would just be too confusing for our clients, so we're keeping it!