Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hip Tattoos

The hips are well known for being a sexy spot on the body for getting a tattoo, and along with lower back tattoos, the hips are probably the second most popular area for a woman to get tattooed.

Have a look at these beautiful celebrities with hip tattoos

Jessica Biel has a dove tattoo on her right hip, Megan Fox has the name of her significant other "Brian" tattooed on her hip, singer Rihanna has a sanskrit prayer down her hip and Kelly Clarkson has an outline of the state of Texas on her hip.

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Beyonce has an angel tattoo on her left hip, actress Eliza Dushku has the phrase "Lead, Kindly Light" tattooed on her left hip, pop princess Britney Spears has a small cross tattoo on her hip and television star Lauren Conrad has the letter "L" tattooed on her right hip.

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