Friday, March 8, 2013

That time Wendy and Matthew moved to Berlin to work at Conspiracy Inc.

Ok, so now that we've gotten the boring waiting list stuff out of the way (thanks for all the fun requests we've received already, btw), we can move on to more fun things!
Like the reason we've decided that the shop needs to be finished the 26th of this month, and excuse me while i have a panic attack, cause AAAAHHHH, not possible!
Uhm, sorry, back to the point: the reason we want the shop to be done-done, is because our Aussie buddies Wendy Pham and Matthew Gordon are arriving in Berlin and will be working at the shop starting April 1st.
And yes, you can book with them already!
Just send them an email with all your spectacularly interesting ideas, and they'll get back to you when they're ready to start booking.
They'll probably be here for about a year, or at a minimum 6 months, so you can book larger stuff too, not just puny one shots.

We're really looking forward to working with these guys again, and showing them Berlin (or you know, the coffee shop, cause really, when do we have time to see Berlin?), and we hope y'all have some fun tattoos for them to do.

Here are their emails, go go go: and

 Tattoo by Matthew

Painting by Matthew

 Tattoo by Matthew

Painting by Matthew 

 Painting by Wendy

Tattoo by Wendy

Painting by Wendy

Tattoo by Wendy

See more of Wendy's work here and more of Matthew's work here.

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